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Crossroads Education
Crossroads Education is an education centre based in Tamworth, NSW, that offers group and individual tutoring for a variety of subjects and ages, with a goal to develop lifelong learners.

Led by Dr. Kate Bricknell, a highly experienced and acclaimed educator who provides sustained professional learning programs in schools across rural New South Wales, the dedicated team at Crossroads Education is committed to providing educational support for all and guiding their learners to independence.
Dr. Bricknell and her team assist learners on their individual learning journey, whatever this may look like. They support learners striving for the highest marks and entrance to highly sought-after university places, learners with learning gaps to identity and address these gaps, and learners who struggle to connect with traditional learning. The Crossroads Education team works with students of all ages, from children in kindergarten to tertiary students, as well as adult learners. They strive to seek ways to tailor individual programs to meet all students’ needs, paving their way to success.
The Crossroads Education ethos is underpinned by a belief that learners are more successful if they feel connected to community, and so the Crossroads team aims to create and sustain that community. Core to this belief is that all students should be cared for, cared about, and know how to care for others (Nel Noddings, Canadian ethicist). This business statement is represented by the above artwork by Gomeroi artist Renee Leigh.